Sunday, November 9, 2008


Dear God,
What's the story on this? You've created an incessant buzz about change and the structuring of social classes, but is anything actually going to happen? Maybe we could stimulate the economy by upping the production of Obama labeled goods. He could even start a superstore similar to Wal-Mart and create jobs for millions of working class americans.

The real question here: did you make Obama supporters extra annoying or is my personality resistant to something good? Somehow Obama has become the Flaming Lips of politics. Annoying as hell because everyone else likes him now and won't shut up about it. Wisecrack after wisecrack the democrats have really gotten me on my toes to see what they're going to do in the spotlight. Direly curious to see what this "change" actually is, besides a surefire red-carpet to the Whitehouse.

Not getting my Obama tattoo yet,

Kyle in Illinois, Age 23

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