Saturday, May 17, 2008

Economic Stimulus

Dear God,
Can you still take the Bible Belt seriously? Sometimes 'impressive' is an understatement of what people are capable of in large like-minded groups. SafeHarbor real estate and development has set its sights on fabricating a "Bible-story theme park" in Rutherford county, Tennessee. Good idea to sensationalize Biblical history for primarily capitalistic intentions, right?

What's ever more insane about this proposition is how not cool they want to make it. 280 acre Story Park that will house recreations of important places and events in religious history for those un-willing to make the trek? Give me a break.
Was hoping for wordage such as 'Holy Water Coaster - Baptism after 450 ft vertical drop. Must be at least 4ft tall to ride. Rider will get wet." 1.5 million projected visitors per year sounds like biased focus groups.

Using my unlimited ride wristband on Spiritual Warfare Bumper Cars,

Kyle in Illinois, Age 22

1 comment:

  1. I actually think this place sounds awesome.

    Lets make a road trip there when it opens?

    Insufficient blowjobs from my blog,

