Dear God,
Gap's Project (red) is under the cross-hairs again. It appears that remedying HIV in Africa with child labor in India is not a good business plan. Who knew? On the topic, Gap spokesman Bill Chandler explained "we're willing to end relationships with vendors when they don't meet our standards." Hopefully the children in India working 16 hour days in the "derelict industrial unit" at least know they were helping to fight HIV in Africa by allowing Gap consumers worldwide to spend double the usual amount of money on the same Gap products we all buy, while Gap graciously donates half of the doubled price to the HIV cause in Africa. Maybe project (blue) will be released in 2010 in India in order to solve child labor problems, and the HIV rescued African victims can make the shirts to sell to the world populous and really give back to India for their hard work?
Wearing my belt extra tight to not show off my Gap boxer briefs,
Kyle in Wisconsin, Age 22
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