Dear God,
What is your moral stance on Segway personal transportation? Is this a blessing some of us are very apprehensive to embrace or a temptress in disguise?
While this technology may enable the less-physically-inclined to tour the holy land, it does raise question about your layout of our universe. When you gave human beings each a body did you factor in the rate at which we would harmoniously evolve capitalism and technology? Now looks what's happened. The satisfaction of a 10 minute walk is soon to be a thing of the past. Will you sound the trumpets then? Pull the plug?
What if we gave 10% of all Segway personal transportation device purchases to the church? Could that make up for a few early years of beta testing human laziness?
Perhaps we've not quite seen your vision for these divinely engineered robot unicycles just yet. Are you working in wonderful new ways to synchronize our development of technology and capitalistic intentions? These gyroscopic-2-wheeled-golden idols do share similar proportion to the size of a pulpit ... will street evangelism be blessed with an all new wave of hip & cool tactics? Can't wait for the version with touch-screen LCD New Testament, available AWD, and mobile communion kit available.
Thoroughly perplexed,
Kyle in Illinois, Age 23
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