Dear God,
Do you buy organic produce? Did you create organic creatures? Did you create the pesticides to spray on non-organic produce? This system of purity is far too complicated. Yet the terminology is now bleeding over into christian spin-off marketing tactics. Was this your idea to nudge these people to hop on the 'organic-advertising-titlewave?'
While it feels acceptable that inspirational/relevant authors profit from their according works, riding a flash in the pan marketing scheme centered around the word 'organic' may be a bit low.
There's something nice about visualizing a Church body as a growing plant, but can we just leave it at that? The organic vs. non-organic merry-go-round can take place outside holy walls.
Lastly, was the Garden of Eden 'organic' in its purest of states? Was it tainted with pesticides by mankind? Is the term organic around now and stronger than ever just to taunt us and remind us of humankind's eternal mistakes?
Free range pesticide spraying,
Kyle in Illinois, Age 23