Sunday, February 14, 2010

Holy Yoga

Dear God,
Have you really sanctioned Yoga as "holy?" Can this be? Do you support the Christian marauding of an Ancient Hindu tradition? This all feels very strange. Is this just a miscommunication?

How about those photos? I'm all about your wonderful creations looking their best but these seem a bit idyllic. There's a strange mixed message that I'm not quite following here. Is Holy Yoga the secret to making beautiful human beings on earth?

Is it essential that I wear tight clothes to praise you with Holy Yoga?

Covering my body entirely in crucifix wristbands,

Kyle in Illinois, Age 24

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Dear God,
Do you watch the superbowl? Do you enjoy the ads? Does it warm you that it happens on a Sunday and brings people together? Does the competition of your high grade creations bring a smile to your face?

Knowing what you know - are you betting on anyone?

In it for the snacks,

Kyle in Illinois, Age 24